USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
EUR/KZT 525.85  -1.81
Level of tax collection in Kazakhstan decreased - Counting Committee

Astana. May 26. Kazakhstan Today - Kazakhstan Counting Committee noted decrease in the level of tax collection. The chairman of Counting Committee Omarhan Oksikbayev informed presenting in Majilis of the Parliament the report of counting Committee on execution of the republican budget for 2007 on Friday, the agency reports. "Despite of overfulfilment of the base parameters of the revenue part of the budget, level of tax collection has decreased," O. Oksikbayev informed. "There is dependence of execution of the republican budget on corporate surtax, tax to the added cost and customs payments." "By our estimation, potential reserves of replenishment of the budget are incomes, receipts of which would be provided due to improvement of tax and customs administration; increase of validity and social and economic efficiency of tax privileges and preferences; increase of efficiency of functioning of free economic zones," the chairman of Counting Committee informed.

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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