Rating "B ++" and credit rating of emitter "BBB" of JSC Company Insurance Company Eurasia confirmed
Almaty. November 11. Kazakhstan Today - The international rating agency A. M. Best Co. specializing in assessing insurance companies confirmed financial rating "B++" (Good) and the credit rating of the emitter "BBB" of JSC Company Insurance Company Eurasia with the stable forecast concerning both ratings on November 7, 2008, the press service of Eurasia Insurance Company informed the agency.
"According to the press release of A. M. Best Co., the ratings reflect the leading position of JSC Company Eurasia in the growing market of insurance and reinsurance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, improvement of quality of business, strong capitalization, and excellent financial parameters," Eurasia explained.
According to Eurasia, as of October 1, 2008 assets of the company have reached 43.739 billion KZT, having increased by 50 % in comparison with January - September, 2007.
14.4 % of the market accounts for the Insurance Company Eurasia by quantity of premiums. In particular, for 9 months 2008 the insurance premiums received under contracts of reinsurance from non-residents in Kazakhstan, have made 9 billion 167 million KZT. 8 billion 972 million KZT account for the share of JSC Company Eurasia, or 97.87 % of total amount of the premiums received in Kazakhstan from non-residents.
As of today, the Security Company Eurasia carries out its activity in more than 75 countries of the world.
Resourse: Kazakhstan Today