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Annual growth of demand for oil till 2030 to make 1 % - IEA

Astana. November 13. Kazakhstan Today - Annual growth of demand for oil in the world economy will make 1 % till 2030, Kazakhstan Today reports referring to the report Prospects of World Energy published by the International Energy Agency (IEA). "In 2030 daily consumption of the world economy of oil will make 106 million barrels in comparison with 84 million in 2007. Thus, in the nearest two decades we will need an annual increase of oil extraction equal in size to all manufactured oil by Kuwait nowadays," the report states. "The annual growth of demand for oil in the world economy will make 1 % till 2030 ... Growth of demand will be combined with acceleration of the process of exhaustion of the operating oil deposits. As a result, world rates of decrease of extraction will increase in these deposits from the present 6.7 % up to 8.6 % by 2030," IEA considers. In the opinion of experts of the International Energy Agency, there will a threat of oil shortages in the world market by 2015.

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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