Parliament passed Law on Competition
Astana. December 4. Kazakhstan Today - The deputies of the Senate of Parliament of Kazakhstan at the plenary session today passed the Law on Competition, the agency reports.
According to Majilis Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development, the main objective of the law is protection of competition, creation of attractive and transparent conditions for development of free competition in the commodity markets, defining the precise mechanisms for revealing the facts of restriction of competition and agreement between the participants of the market, prevention of the latent monopolization of branches of economy, strengthening of the role and powers of the antimonopoly body, and increase of efficiency of its work.
"One of the innovations introduced to the bill: defining the anticompetitive agreements and the anticompetitive coordinated actions as two independent ways of infringement of the antimonopoly law," the conclusion states.
The document has been forwarded to the head of the state to be signed into law.
Resourse: Kazakhstan Today