USD/KZT 474.83  +0.10
EUR/KZT 515.38  +0.21
Per capita real income of population rose by 3.2% - B. Sultanov

ASTANA. August 18. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ Realization of the Road Map plays a key role in establishment of new working places on the regional labor markets. More than KZT 62.9 bln have been utilized in this direction within the Road Map as of July 13, 2009, including over KZT 20 bln allotted from the local budgets. In fact, there were created 238.7 new working places at which 177.3 thousand people were employed. 123.6 thousand of them were sent by employment service bodies. These and other measures launched by the Government on the labor market allowed ensuring stability of unemployment indices; its level in June made 6.6% that is 0.1% higher against the same period in 2008. Amid inflation slowdown real growth of people's income and wage is observed. Per capital real income of the population rose by 3.2%; wage was increased by 3.2% too, Minister of Economy and Budget Planning Bakhyt Sultanov has said at the Cabinet's telephone conference today.


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