USD/KZT 480.63  +0.01
EUR/KZT 535.13  +0.60

ALMATY. September 25. KAZINFORM /Dauren Zhailin/ We see the pledge of our successful activity in close cooperation with business-community; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Eurasian Development Bank Igor Finogenov has informed of it at Investment Forum in Almaty today. According to I. Finogenov this process was thoroughly monitored by the Eurasian Development Bank. The creation of the bank in 2006 initiated by the Russian and Kazakh Presidents as a financial tool of integration at the Eurasian area can be greatly considered as an integration breakthrough. At present the investment portfolio of the Bank exceeds USD one mln. The banker emphasized that the implemented projects have a potential for generation of mutual trade flows amounted to USD 780 mln. Besides, the growth of mutual investments provided by the implemented projects amounted to USD 270 mln. "It is obvious that creation of the Customs Union will provide growth acceleration of turnover between the member-states and will raise its investment attraction as a whole. Thus this will lead to rising of effectiveness of the bank's activity", - I. Finogenov said. It was noted that one of the problems the bank pays attention to is the development of EurAsEC transport corridors. I. Finogenov noted that the EurAsEC countries and firstly, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia are the land bridges between main world producers and buyers. "We understand that formation of the Customs Union is a complex and multidimensional process requiring coordination of efforts of customs, tax and transport administrations of the member-states. Therefore the banks is ready to consider several variants concerning support in development and implementation of certain programs and pilot projects aimed at further development of significant investment projects in this sphere. In this issue we rely upon the active mutual cooperation with the Secretariat of the EurAsEC Integration Committee, Customs Union Committee and business community", - he said. He expressed confidence that signing of Agreement-Memorandum on cooperation between the Secretariat and the Eurasian Business Council will make this work more effective. According to him the work can be more effective in case the cooperation with business community and information exchange will be on constant basis. I. Finogenov informed that the bank is involving into implementation of projects of advanced technologies. "At present we consider a number of projects on the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia including mutual cooperation with the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO)", - he said.


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