USD/KZT 477.62  +0.17
EUR/KZT 527.67  +0.56

KARAGANDA. September 28. KAZINFORM /Valentina Yelizarova/ "Kazakh Ministry of Industry and Trade worked out the Concept of further development of the Kazakh content and a Draft Law defining the key aspects of the support of the Kazakh content", Kazakh Minister of Industry and Trade Asset Issekeshev has said today at the Republican Forum of Kazakhstan Manufacturers in Karaganda. "We will submit these documents for consideration tomorrow at the sitting of the Government", the Minister noted. He presented the Concept at the Forum. "The development of the Kazakh content is one of the priorities of the industrial policy of Kazakhstan. Due to the President's instruction the Kazakh Government has executed big work on this direction", A.Issekeshev stressed. The Minister said that Kazakh manufacturers signed over 8 700 contacts with national and strategic companies to the amount of over KZT 680 bln. The biggest part on contacts is signed with "Samruk Kazyna" Fund. The Methodology of Calculation of Kazakhstani Content upon Procurement of Goods, Works and Services was developed. "We can see that the rate of the Kazakh content is gradually increasing. But exploitation, communication services, building and assembly works take the largest share of procurements of the national manufacturers. On the rest group the share remains low. It is mostly connected with lack of the greater part of goods and services demanded at the market and their low competitive ability", the Minister noted. In this regard, a part of the developed Concept is devoted to the issues of purposeful substantial state support of the national manufacturers. "Besides, innovational grants are introduced. This is a new instrument of the state that will allow to small and medium business to assimilate advanced technologies", A.Issekeshev said. The Kazakh Minister expressed hope that these programs will start working next year.


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