USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
EUR/KZT 525.85  -1.81
Kazakh Government adopts Concept of Further Development of Kazakh Content

ASTANA. September 29. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ Kazakh Ministry of Industry and Trade Asset Issekeshev has introduced draft Concept of further development of the Kazakh content for a middle-term period at the Government's session in Astana on Tuesday. "During several years share of production of the domestic goods in total consumption of a number of commodity groups had a tendency to decrease. The volume analysis shows that Kazakh content made up over 60 percent, subsoil users - over 10 percent, national companies - over 50 percent in the state bodies' procurement last year", A.Issekeshev said. According to him, the Concept can give the domestic manufacturers the next: obtaining information on planned demand from the one source in the market of goods and services; sales promotion on soft credits and leasing transactions for acquisition of capital funds of innovation technologies; transparency creation during procurement implementation; conclusion of long-term contracts with customers; state support in specialists training. "The Concept adoption will allow to define a single conceptual framework on the Kazakh concept, delimit competence of the authorized bodies, establish obligations on priority of procurement of goods, works and services of the Kazakh production and etc.". the Minister noted Following the results of implementation of the five-year Concept it is planned to bring the share of the Kazakh content on works and services to 90 percent, and on goods - to 50 percent by 2014. Following the results of the Government members voting the Concept was adopted.

Resourse: Kazinform

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