USD/KZT 508.05  -2.03
EUR/KZT 534.82  -4.79
Stress Assets Fund to support country's economy too - PM

ASTANA. October 19. KAZINFORM /Serik Sabekov/ Kazakhstan economy will be maintained also due to the Fund of Stress Assets, Kazinform cites Prime Minister Karim Massimov. The money of the Fund will be directed to crediting business, especially enterprises of processing industry, and to support housing investors, he said. According to the PM, KZT 20 bln of the Fund and KZT 8.5 bln from the banks will be spent for refinancing standard loans in processing industry at 8% per annum. KZT 2 bln is envisaged for financing leasing deals in processing industry. The rate for the borrowers is fixed at 8%.

Resourse: Kazinform

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