USD/KZT 474.83  +0.10
EUR/KZT 515.38  +0.21
I Congress of Commercial Enterprises held in Almaty

ALMATY. December 1. KAZINFORM /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ The I Congress of Commercial Enterprises has been held in Almaty. The organizers of the event are the Kazakh Ministry of Industry and Trade with the support of the Forum of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan. The issues of retail activity in the crisis, discussion of topical problems, new realities of the consumer market, new methods of satisfaction of demand and sales growth were discussed at the Congress. Special attention was paid to formation of trade policy and draft Law "On amendments to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on commerce activity". According to Chairman of the Council of the Forum Raiymbek Batalov, holding the Congress is a timely and topical event, which gathered representatives of all trade segments from all the regions of the country for the first time. "We tried to discuss all topical issues and elaborate necessary measures for development of a complex of measures and overcoming the situation in the world and in our country and preparation for the future post-crisis development", he said. R.Batalov noted that the Forum discusses important issues connected with innovation technologies in commerce. "It is impossible to be competitive and effectively develop business without innovations. The important issue is connected with infrastructure. Without taking the complex of measures, which are discussed at the Congress, it is impossible to solve the tasks set by the Head of the State", the head of the Forum emphasized. Representatives of state bodies, business associations, financial sector, producing companies took part in the Congress.


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