USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
EUR/KZT 525.85  -1.81
UNESCAP presented annual economic and social survey in Almaty

ALMATY. April 18. KAZINFORM /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ - Successful structural reforms, favorable state of the world market of primary goods and dynamic growth of GDP enabled Kazakh Government to strengthen the balance between liberal market interrelations and socially-oriented inner policy directed to multilateral development of Kazakhstan’s society, Murat Tashibayev, the Director of International Organizations and Multilateral Cooperation Department of Kazakh MFA, stated at the presentation of the UNESCAP survey today in Almaty city. According to Mr. Tashibayev, Almaty was selected as one of 20 cities where ESCAP presents its annual survey. That proves Kazakhstan’s progress in social and economic sphere for the years of its independence. «Taking into account social tasks defined by the President of Kazakhstan in his Message to the Nation the state should modernize the whole system of socially-economic and socially-political relations, thus keeping its leadership at the post-Soviet space and in Central Asia», the Kazakh Foreign Ministry's representative noted. For the solution of these tasks it is necessary to use experience of the developed countries. In this context analysis of tendencies of contemporary social and economic development of Asian Pacific region given in the review along with recommendations of world experts in the fields of economy, finances and commerce should become an important help in the revise of social and economic courses of Kazakhstan and leading countries of the region.


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