USD/KZT 479.38  +2.25
EUR/KZT 531.63  +5.78
Kazakhstan ranked third in CIS on industrial production growth rate

ST.PETERSBURG. 07.05.2010. KAZINFORM /Yelena Myagkova/ Kazakhstan became third country in the CIS on the growth increase of industrial production, the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee reported. Upon the results of the first quarter of 2010, Kyrgyzstan leads among the CIS states on the rate of industrial growth that achieved 78.8% compared to the corresponding period last year. Such essential growth is explained by resumption of work at full capacity of "Kumtor" Gold Company that is a strategic enterprise for Kyrgyzstan. Tajikistan and Kazakhstan took second and third places correspondingly where the growth rate made up 16.3% and 11.5%. Ukrainian industrial production increased by 10.8% in three months, Armenian - by 10.4%. The industrial growth in Uzbekistan made 7%, in Belarus - 5.9%, in Russia - 5.8%, in Azerbaijan - 5.6%, in Moldova - 4.9%.


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