USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
EUR/KZT 525.85  -1.81
Negotiations on Kazakhstan WTO introduction took place in Washington

Astana. April 25. Kazakhstan Today - The next round of bilateral negotiations with the USA regarding introduction of Kazakhstan into the World Trading Organization (WTO) took place in Washington, Kazakh MFA press service informed the agency. "During the negotiations of the Kazakhstan official delegation headed by the Kazakhstan Special Representative at WTO negotiations, vice Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Republic Kazakhstan Zhanar Aytzhanova, the parties discussed the role of the state in economy, the practice of observance of commercial laws of the participants of foreign trade activities, and protection of intellectual property rights," the press service informed. During the visit Z. Aytzhanova and the vice Minister of Agriculture A. Kurishbayev met the American vice Minister of Agriculture and the Director of the International Trade of the Department of State of the USA William Craft.

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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