USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
EUR/KZT 525.85  -1.81
Kazakhstan gold and exchange currency reserves grew by 3.4 % in April

Almaty. May 4. Kazakhstan Today - The international reserves of Kazakhstan in the current prices including money of the National fund (by preliminary data reached $16 437.9 million), as of April 30 increased by 3.4 % and made $38 705.4 million, the Kazakhstan National bank press service informed the agency. In the current prices net international reserves of the National bank have grown by 3.3 % (or by $703 million). Decrease in net internal actives of the National bank (money increase at the government accounts) in April, 2007 has caused compression of monetary base by 3.1 % (or by 49.5 billion KZT). Net foreign currency reserves have increased by $664.3 million, actives in gold - by $38.7 million as a result of the conducted operations and increases of its price in the world markets by 2.19 %. In real terms, the net international reserves of the National bank increased by 3.1 %, and the net actives in hard currency - by 3.3 %, actives in gold - by 0.5 %.

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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