USD/KZT 523.17  -1.41
EUR/KZT 550.06  -1.85
Prices for titanium in world market are falling

In the world market prices for titanium are falling. By Metal Pages estimations, the reference prices for 70 percent ferrotitanium in the European free market decreased from $11.4 - 12 for the last month (in the beginning of June) up to $8.9 - 9.3 (on July 9) for 1 kg of titanium. The reference prices for titanium sponge in the European free market have remained on average at the level of $22.5 per kg. Rutile concentrate in bulk was traded at the price of $475 per ton. Rutile packaged concentrate was traded at the price of $650 per ton. 09.07.07

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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