USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
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Kazakhstan is ready to new qualitative economic growth - President

Astana. October 12. Kazakhstan Today - Kazakhstan is ready to new qualitative economic growth, the President of the Republic Nursultan Nazarbayev considers. "We can ascertain with confidence that Kazakhstan, having successfully finished transitive stage of the economic development, is ready and capable of new qualitative growth in the forthcoming years," N. Nazarbayev stated today, addressing the international conference Strategy of Kazakhstan-2030: results of the first decade and prospects. "We should provide formation of "sophisticated economy," which would not only keep up with global changes and tendencies, but could also work in a certain niches for advancing ", - it has added. According to the President, "a priority direction should become development of the system venture financings." "Also it is necessary to use the mechanism of transfer of technologies, entering the markets of Europe, Asia, Russia and China." "For the last decade GDP the country increased from $22 billion up to $100 billion, by almost 5 times. GDP per capita grew during this period by 3.7 times. In 2007 GDP will make about $7 thousand, having equaled with the parameters of the states of Central and Eastern Europe."

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