USD/KZT 480.63  +0.01
EUR/KZT 535.13  +0.60
International reserves of Kazakhstan for 9 months made $37.1 billion

Astana. October 31. Kazakhstan Today - The international reserves of Kazakhstan for 9 months of 2007 made $37.1 billion. The Minister of Economics and Budgetary Planning Bakhyt Sultanov said at the government session on Tuesday, the agency reports. "The international reserves of the country, including the assets of the National fund, have increased for 9 months 2007 by 11.7 % and have made $37.1 billion," B. Sultanov said. "Thus, the assets of the National fund have made $18.7 billion and have grown by 32.6 %, the reserves of the National Bank have made $18.4 billion and have decreased by 3.7 %," he stated. The Minister noted "the main cause of decrease in the reserves of the National Bank became the sale of foreign currency in the internal market within last months."

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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