USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
EUR/KZT 525.85  -1.81
Kazakhstan GDP growth for 9 months 2007 made 10.1 % - Ministry of Economics

Astana. October 31. Kazakhstan Today - For 9 months of 2007 GDP growth in Kazakhstan has made 10.1 %. The Minister of Economics and Budgetary Planning Bakhyt Sultanov stated on Tuesday at the government session, the agency reports. Investments into fixed capital have increased by 11.9 % within the similar period. " Thus, the main part of investments - 85.4 % have made the assts of private sector and foreign enterprises and the share of public sector has made 14.6 %," B. Sultanov said. According to the Ministry of Economics, "in nominal expression export of goods for 8 months of 2007 has increased by 22.9 % and in real expression - by 13.6 %. "Simultaneously high internal demand caused fast growth of import, which has been increased in nominal expression by 45.2 % and in real - by 23.4 %," the Minister explained. The Minister of Economics emphasized, "the branches, such as construction, financial services, services of transport and communication and trade have been developing at fast rates. For 9 months of 2007 "construction and financial services have provided 45.2 % of GDP growth, whereas last year their share made 37.5 %." Volume of agricultural production has increased by 8.1 %. Growth of industry has made 4.7 %, including mining - 3.1 %, processing - 7.2 %, manufacturing and distribution of electric power, gas and water - 5.3 %.

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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