Kazakhstan occupies 44 place in tax payments simplicity rating
Almaty. December 7. Kazakhstan Today - In the world rating of the countries on simplicity of tax payments Kazakhstan occupies the 44 place that provides the country leading position not only in the Central Asian region, but also among all CIS countries. The report Tax payments in 2008, published by the World Bank (WB), the International Financial Corporation (IFC) and PricewaterhouseCoopers states, the agency reports.
According to the research, Kyrgyzstan in the specified rating occupies 152 place, Tajikistan - 155, Uzbekistan-159. Russia is on the 130 place, that is below the middle of the list. China in on the 168 position in the world tax rating.
According to the report and applied methodology, Kazakhstan occupies high position by quantity of tax payments (9 payments, 15th place by this parameter), and good position by general rate of taxation (on this parameter the country is on 58 place, the size of general rate of taxation - 36.7 %, that puts Kazakhstan on the third place among CIS countries).