USD/KZT 477.13  -0.49
EUR/KZT 525.85  -1.81
Gross regional product of Astana in 2007 to make 1.3 trillion KZT - Mamin

Astana. December 28. Kazakhstan Today - Following the results of 2007, gross regional product of Astana will total 1.3 billion KZT. Astana akim Askar Mamin said on Wednesday at the session of the city maslikhat. "Stable growth of total regional product, which, according to the forecast in 2007 will make 1301.8 billion KZT, will increase by 56.7 % in comparison with the level of the last year (830.7 billion KZT)," A. Mamin informed. Thus, the akim noted that "steady and dynamical growth of the economy of the capital is accompanied by the increase of volume of investments. The investments into fixed capital made about 400 billion. "Volume of the foreign trade commodity turnover for 2007 made about $8 billion that is by 45 % more than the level of the last year" he said.

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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