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Manchester University to prepare experts for textile industry

Shymkent. March 18. Kazakhstan Today - The Department of Business and Industry of the South Kazakhstan oblast and the representatives of the University of Manchester (Great Britain) signed memorandum of mutual understanding and cooperation, the agency reports. "Signing this memorandum will give a good impulse to improvement of educational system for textile branch and development of the social-enterprise Ontustik," Richard Murrey, the pro-rector of the University of Manchester said. The deputy Director of the social-enterprise corporation Ontustik Narmuhan Sarybayev explained: "In the memorandum we consider two items. The first item - assistance to development of the special economic zone: this increase of competitive ability of textile branch by consultation by English experts, and the second is development of education." The memorandum of mutual understanding and cooperation was signed within the limits of carrying out of the seminar-meeting on Professional Training for Enterprises of Textile Cluster: condition, problems and ways of solution, organized with assistance of the akimat of the South Kazakhstan oblast and the Department of special economic zone Ontustik taken place in Shymkent. The representatives of the central and local agencies, Kazakhstan high schools preparing experts for textile industry, representatives of textile enterprises of the South Kazakhstan oblast, the representatives of the companies planning realization of investment projects on the territory of the special economic zone, leading manufacturers of textile equipment, representatives of foreign high schools who prepare experts of textile cluster - the University of Manchester (Great Britain), Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Uzbekistan), and the representatives of professional schools took part in the seminar.

Resourse: Kazakhstan Today

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