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 KAZAKHSTAN International Business Magazine №3, 2006
 Astrum Is a New Instrument for Your Business
Astrum Is a New Instrument for Your Business
Sergey Shvalov, LogyCom’s president, said: "After analyzing the software market, we concluded that the automation of small and medium-sized businesses is the most topical in the conditions of rapid development of the Kazakh economy. LogyCom offers an integrated software product which meets all up-to-date requirements and is adapted to the conditions of small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan. Today, Astrum© CRM is available in our shops to every company and every entrepreneur in Kazakhstan".
LogyCom company has announced the issue of a new version of Astrum© CRM (sales and customer assistance automation programme). Like the previous version, this one provides for various options to adjust and operate the system and its database, which has information on 10,000 companies in Almaty. In addition, at users’ request, the new Astrum© CRM version allows for maintaining an unlimited volume of analytical information on deal. A system for programming business processes has been added and the report list has been extended.
Compact disks also contain a demo version of the Astrum© Total programme allowing for automating stock recording, production, service maintenance, personnel, commerce, management and real-time accounting and other business processes. The largest customer of Astrum© Total is LogyCom whose business processes and working places are automated. Thus, Kazakh companies are very interested in the Astrum© Total programme, because it is adapted to specific conditions in Kazakhstan and provides for effective instruments to solve various problems related to modern enterprises.
According to Ilya Afanassiev, a consultant on business process automation, the main advantage of automation systems, particularly the Astrum© system, is the principle of single data input. Integrated reference books (concerning goods, clients, employees etc.) pose a problem for rapidly developing companies. Today, this problem is more topical than ever, because sellers, accountants and storekeepers in the majority of commercial companies have different information on one and the same stock reserve. Such conditions make uninterrupted selling and shipping practically impossible. The Astrum© system solves this problem in the following way: each company employee has an access to the information to which he/she is entitled; all line managers create their documents (e.g. invoices) within the system and senior management receives reports in the required volume and when necessary.
The use of 1? and Excel programmes by many Kazakh companies for accounting and business analysis poses another problem: receiving management reports may take from several hours to several months. As a result, there is a need for a programme wich allows for keeping all books and automating main work processes. Astrum© is just such a programme, which has been developed by LogyCom over the past nine years.
According to Semen Beresnev, a head of the company’s software engineering department, Astrum© differs from similar foreign systems in its unique flexibility. Principles integrated into the programme allow work procedures to be strictly registered and users to be provided with various options without programming personnel. In both cases, the system makes it possible for a manager to receive necessary information.
Business may be automated gradually due to such flexibility. When starting up the system in the first stage, business processes are not strictly registered but only identified. When all key employees work with the system in the second stage, the most important business processes (directly related to the success of the company’s business) are specified. The third stage concerns monitoring the most important business processes and gathering analytics to optimise business processes, increase process speed and eliminate drawbacks.
Numerous wishes and requests from LogyCom’s employees and managers have been implemented in the Astrum© system. Today, practically any company in Kazakhstan may use the invaluable experience accumulated by the system designers.
At present, medium-sized companies in Kazakhstan cannot afford to invest significant funds neither in acquiring automation systems made by western producers nor in updating such systems developed by Russian producers. The solution for such problems is the Astrum© system whose composite function may be compared with the automation systems created by Western producers (SAP, Oracle, MS Axapta) and whose prices may be compared with the systems established by Russian producers, that now require updating (1C).
By adapting to the specific conditions of the Kazakh market, LogyCom has successfully implemented its products in various companies, all of which are now using it to meet their objectives.
Programme Application:
Automating processes of customer relationship management: database segmentation, keeping records on contacts with customers, customer classification, work time management and forecasting cash receipts.
Designer and Publisher: LogyCom company
Status: available in LogyCom®’s shops and on
Price: an all-featured single-user version costs 1,500 tenge in shops and is free of charge on LogyCom®’s web site and computers; a multi-user version costs approximately $1,200.
Ideal Customer Profile: a Kazakh company having a personal sales department or a customer service department.
Contact Information:
LogyCom® ASTRUM© Total
Programme Application:
Automating all business processes within a commercial enterprise: complete financial and management accounting, commerce (corporate sales, retail network management and merchandizing), stock recording, marketing, logistics, personnel recording, production (assembling, by process and by formula), service maintenance (warranty, post-warranty, etc.), management and control of activities carried out by company’s branches and remote offices.
Designer and Publisher: LogyCom company
Status: the programme is distributed and supported by LogyCom®’s software engineering department.
Price: for the first year of operation up to $10,000 including licences, training, consulting and other services related to the programme implementation.
Ideal Customer Profile: a growing Kazakh commercial or commercial and industrial company having from 20 to 300 employees and carrying out its activities in the market of machines, equipment or furniture.
Contact Information:

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