USD/KZT 478.96  -1.67
EUR/KZT 533.03  -2.1
 KAZAKHSTAN International Business Magazine №1, 2013

Dear readers,

“Made in Kazakhstan” shall become a synonym of true quality – declared the President Nursultan Nazarbayev, congratulating the laureates of Altyn Sapa (Golden Quality) award and the winners of the Republican exhibition and competition – Best Product of Kazakhstan 2012. Being fully supportive to this thesis of the Head of State, we dedicate the first issue of our magazine to the best national producers that are proud to label their goods as “Made in KZ”. This special issue is focused on problems and perspectives of machine building industry development – one of the most high tech and scientific areas of the modern domestic economy It’s quite logic given the fact that machine building is a leader among other industries based on the growth rates. Today our machine builders are at the front of the forced industrialization, learning how to produce the goods that absolutely new for Kazakhstan. At the same time, such factors as the low productivity and technological delay from the industrial leaders, remaining dependency on imported machines and equipment, low profitability of the profile enterprises result in very negative and restraining effect on the machine building development. We do hope that the first Forum of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan (our magazine being its official edition) will ensure finding the optimal ways of resolving these problems and to clearly indicate the new ambitious goals. From our part and from the editorial staff of the Kazakhstan Business Magazine and National Branding Agency Kazakhstanika, I would like to congratulate the local machine builders with holding own event of such level and wish them more great achievements in life and business!

Vladimir Voloshin, Editor-in-Chief

New Deal of Nazarbayev

In 2012, Kazakhstan hardly got close to the stated goal to enter into the top-50 world rating of competitiveness, and the President of the country raised the cherished bar twenty lines more up. Being among the 30 most developed countries of the world is the exact guideline announced by him as a nation-wide challenge in the new Strategy-2050. 

Three years on the way of FIID

The third year of implementation of the State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development (FIID) has passed. The results have shown that the Government’s efforts to diversify the local economy through the creation and development of new industries have borne fruit. So, in the year 2012, machine building became a leader by growth of volume of production. However, the overall slowdown in economic growth as a result of the decline in global demand for raw materials indicates that the overall structure of the economy of Kazakhstan has not changed dramatically.

Kazakhstan Shall Develop It 's Own Machine Building

Interview with the Chairman of the Committee of Industry of Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan Erlan Muratov

Kazakhstani Machine Building: Challenges and Growth Prospects

In December 2012, Eurasian Development Bank, together with the Institute of Economic Forecasting of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) prepared industry overview “Development of machine – building in state-parties to the Eurasian Development Bank (ED B)”. This article presents the main conclusions of the research relating to the analysis of the condition and prospects of development of the machine building complex of Kazakhstan.

On the Way towards the Complete Cycle

The domestic automobile production is on the threshold of a new stage of its development – our automakers promise to bring the localization level at the existing assembly enterprises from 19 % up to 30 % this year.

Nuclear Horizons of Kazakhstan

Having about 19% of global explored uranium reserves – 1.5 million tons, Kazakhstan occupies the first place based on its production and plays one of the key roles in the global nuclear market. The strategic plans of the Republic include the creation of the full range vertically integrated complex of nuclear fuel cycle: from production of uranium to the nuclear power station construction and waste fuel utilisation.

Local Content: Oil Services in Focus

Forum of oil and gas companies ”Oil and Gas: Kazakhstani content – 2013”, held in the middle of February in Astana loudly demonstrated the ambiguity of the current situation in oil and gas companies’ procurement of goods, works and services from the domestic suppliers.

Table of contents
New Deal of Nazarbayev   Sergey Gakhov 
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